Invitation to attend the event-"THORIUM SPACE SATCOM SOLUTIONS"
Thorium Space has unveiled the latest development plans for the company, which is one of the most innovative entities in the space industry in this part of Europe.Thorium Space, which was awarded the title of “Eagle of Innovation” by the Rzeczpospolita daily in 2020, is among a handful of companies in the world that have mastered the key technology of fully electronic beam steering in Ka and E bands for safe space communications.
Thorium, working with industry leaders French Teledyne e2V and Sweden’s Sivers Semiconductors, is looking to build micro and small satellites for entities across Europe in the coming years, using its experience in research and development of innovative space solutions. In his presentation, Thorium Space CEO Pawel Rymaszewski underlined that while this has been obvious to many people, including himself for a long time – it was one of the reasons why he decided to leave his comfortable job at an industry giant and start something of his own, and the last few years have shown vividly how important space independence is. Pawel Rymaszewski pointed out that countries that do not have full control over their satellites and space communications systems are doomed to risk losing access to the data they offer at some point. – How many countries in Europe were using Russian communications satellites before 2022. Looking at what’s going on in Ukraine, do we really believe that this communications was not surveillance? And even if not, what guarantee do we have that it won’t suddenly be turned off to us? – he asked.
Thorium Space plans to become one of the leading manufacturers of micro and small satellites in Europe in the coming years, and the offer is aimed at entities that want to be guaranteed full control over their satellites and terminals.