Thorium Space is creating the basis for Polish telecommunications satellites. It plans projects worth more than PLN 90 million.
Thorium Space creating solutions for the space industry and implementing projects worth more than PLN 90 million. The company wants to be the first in Poland to create a Polish telecommunications satellite. In addition, it is working on projects that could be a technological breakthrough for the telecommunications industry. Among them are projects – SUBCOM worth PLN 47 million, a 5G base station worth PLN 13.6 million. Another program – “Sapphire” with a budget of PLN 20 million – will soon be evaluated by an NCRD panel.
More: Thorium Space tworzy fundamenty polskich satelitów telekomunikacyjnych. W planach projekty o wartości ponad 90 mln złotych | FXMAG INWESTOR